I See You

I See YOU   So often when we are interacting with our horses, we are thinking about what needs to be done at work or at home later, that we often forget to just “be”. I used to spend the majority of my rides or even ground sessions dissecting my day or planning new adventures. I […]

Horse Training in New Zealand PT. 3

From Wild Stallion to Mild Gelding At the end of the month of February I spent two months training a bush bred, rising three year old stallion. I’m going to condense our time together into several small posts, 60 days of training is a lot of repetition and tedium, what follows is his story.  If […]

Bridging Signals

Bridging Signals  Positive Reinforcement Training Positive reinforcers add a wanted or pleasant stimulus to increase or maintain the frequency of a behavior. For example, you ask a horse to pick its foot up and he/she does, he/she gets a treat.  You’ve added a stimuli. How is it done? Positive Reinforcement— R+ By using a bridging signal, […]

Stop Horsing Around Blog